It all started with a simple jester to put the meats away so your dad wouldn't realize that we had stalked up on meats for the rest of the month. It happened in the kitchen it was could and dark. the a/c was on 77 and it was 76 in the house. the lights in the living room flickering the wind was making that whistling nose by the back yard door. and there was no one downstairs. the dog in the back was barking and when the oven beeped she had remembered... it was time to put the meats away. as she opened the pantry and pulled out the plastic bags to put the meat in she heard a sound, it was the sound of the back yard gate lock being messed with she paused for a minute. she almost froze with fear as to what was coming her way for the fact that her mother was not home and her grandmother was upstairs. she wondered who or what could be messing with it. she closed the pantry door and walked rather speedy to where the meats are and she placed the plastic zip lock bags on the counter next to the meat and once again she heard the lock being messed with this time she quickly went to the back door and looked out the window and all she could see was lion her dog running back and forth in the yard barking. but not a bark of joy but a bark of seriousness as if he means business. and then the sound stop ed, she just stood there looking out the door's window for some thing... but then the clock strikes 9 o'clock and she just went back to the kitchen when she had finished putting the meats in bags and this is when she Began her journey to the freezer as she walked with at least 10 pounds of meat. she went trough the living room then to the hall where the lights flickered, on and off as she walked. strange noises as if some thing was fallowing her began to be noticeable and then in panic she Begin to walk faster then another nose, and she walked faster and then the clock strikes and she started to run faster,and faster until..
she fell without realizing it she had fallen out of the hall and in to the room where the freezer lied just standing there she stop ed with fear, she was listening for any sounds but all she could here was the sound of here breathing, it was so fast is almost sounded like hyperventilation. as she looked around the room she could hardly see any thing for the lights where off. and she was thinking about where the light switches are. she placed the meats in the floor and got up to look for the light switch she walked with her arms out trying to feel her way to the lights until she bumped in to something it was plush and cold, as soon as she touched it she sighed in fear but to only find her self walking backwards and hitting the wall right next to the where the light switch was. she turned her head and saw it. and quickly turned on the lights, then out of curiosity she when back to that thing she had bumped in to. but, only find it was just a jacket. And that she had let her paranoia take over for a brief moment.but all was better when she remembered that she was in the same room as the freezer and that her journey was almost over.. or at least she thought was almost over.
and as she walked back to the meats she had put on the floor she hear the dog bark again and then this time she hear glasses being mover as if some one was in the house. she thought to her self; no it cant be it must not be so, for grandma is upstairs and I am in here.
Then she just picked up the meats and took them to the freezer. as she opened the freezer her eyes beheld!...
It was the Freezer!
it was a horrid sight! so she took it upon her self to find the bottom of the freezer.
thus the true adventure begins.
she put the meats down next to the freezer and started to move all the food to one side of the freezer and while she was doing that she found a butter knife.
an the she was able to break of all the built up ice in the freezer and she went to through the layers of the ice like lightning and soon enough she reaches the bottom of the freezer which has never before been seen by human eyes in decades!
i was.. old yes the freezer looked old because it was old and then every thing was restored back to new and the freezer looks like a freezer again!