Tuesday, September 28, 2010

the simplicity's of life are complex

What ever happened to being satisfied with fools gold? Why must everyone only want the "pure" gold? Why cant they appreciate this impostor as a good actor? Why must they instead insult it as to name it "fools gold"? Why can't they appreciate this impostor as a amazing thing to find such a very good actor? Why are the simplicity of life so complex? Why does everyone strive for the pure source? Why does life have to be in such a hurry? Why does everyone have to come to a midlife crisis? Why can't we just accept that we grow old and be proud of all the time we have spent here learning, gaining wisdom to match the gray hairs we have earned?
Why must people always think in such a negative way? Why can't the world be happy? Why must I be upside down and you be right side up? How come your not upside down and I'm not right side up?

I guess what I'm really trying to get at is the simple questions that has been asked by many, and answered by so few. Answered by so few because often the answer requires a simpler way of looking at it; and most often people don't really want to search for an answer. They just want it to come to them. They want it to be easy. But their is that saying nothing worth pursuing will ever be easy. (Of course I am paraphrasing and I don't recall who said that but I think it gets the point across.) Some of you may be wondering why do I write of such things why don't I write about; I don't know, other stuff. My answer to whom ever asks; because I write to hopefully make a small difference. To hopeful change who ever reads this, look on everything to something different.
Why? Because since the day I completely understood anything I immediately wanted to teach it to someone, anyone willing to listen. I have this compulsive need to help others. I pry my self on teaching someone something at lest trying to, to my fullest ability.
And just as I like to teach I also like to be taught. I appreciate a complete thought, I feel fulfilled when I see someone save a cricket from drowning in a pool. Or when someone has the understanding to set aside their differences for the better.
In other word I just appreciate it when people are loving. I understand that I, nor anyone else can be completely loving and nice and all that crap all the time; but, I feel that one should at lest try to. That doesn't mean being someone prissy who doesn't fight back, no it means that you are willing to reason when the situation can be reasoned with.
It means being able to love with out having to go around hugging and kissing every thing. It doesn't mean having to wear your heart on your sleeve. It doesn't mean having to be loved by every one, in fact it mean some times being hated. But it means  to accept why their is animosity in the world; and to understand and move on. You don't have to always be smiling (in fact I almost always have a strait face...) it means being able to have compassion; not pity, but the genuine want to help someone. To genuinely care, to be able to wait for as long as it takes, and when it comes around to be able to forgive. It means being quiet sometimes, it means being mean sometimes, it means having to to the hardest things sometimes. But to always to understand the other parties perspective. Even though you do have to wait for a lot in life, you should never put your life on hold; your life should always be in motion. Never still. Not to dwell in or on the past. to accept that when the news announces the death of 20 people to understand that people are always dieing, for every reason imaginable but people are always being born, not to get sucked in. but instead let it roll off you skin. Because no matter how bad the world may be, it is always equally good. Even if you chose to believe the world is hell it is still heaven to some one else in the world some where else. (possibly even in the same room.)

So, today my bloggies I leave you with this food for thought, consume it, digest it, and decide if you like it.
From your favorite little blogger,

Friday, September 24, 2010

falls flit

Seasons change, colors grow, falls fade. frights fro, forms flow, rivers seem to grow with excitement. Trees live for the moment, sudden brightness.
Cold with warmth, fast but slow. A moments time for the oranges' flow! reds' but only glow, greens' die with jealousy. skys' grow cold, grounds' grows warm, cozy bubbles of excitement blow in the wind to enjoy the view. scarfs raid your closet and gloves become your hands. socks are a sudden must have for your toes would cry them selves weary with frost. hearts filled with cost for the seasons change is a sudden thrust.
colors seem more appetizing then ever before, the want for rain is the new summer break. And thanks giving break seems like the best thing in the world. smiles grow to see such beauty, but fade for the life it leads; is a lonely one. The joy of less troubles the world seems almost still. the cold hangs around the comer following you with evil eyes, stalking you to catch you by surprise.
While the trees wonder with no eyes, to only hope to see the colors they supply.
The grounds stares at the sky as if in envious want to be up high, so the constant treading could come to a sudden halt when it is realized their in the sky.
The element grow kind and strong, to look so soft and kind. warm and welcoming, the world opens it eyes; to find that the sky's gone, winters successfully caught us by surprise.

From your favorite little blogger,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursdays thirst

Long time no see; your probably wondering if I was eaten by zombies and have been repossessed. The answer to that question is, No. I have not been devoured by zombies in some elaborate scheme to escape the world. Quite the contrary, I have been making elaborate schemes to insure my survival.
Plans for this weekend. Deep thoughts to come up with a reason. A reason for what? Ahh, that is a question I can't answer; It's too deep to mention. (actually it's to mean to mention...) Your probably like "what?! mean? How, why, why would YOU think of something mean? You seem so nice!". And my answer to you is Yes, I am nice. But I am also a little bit of a snot nosed punk, Who too likes to plan and see things through all the way. Is that true? Yes, a little but thats not the case this time. I was just pulling your chain. (Why yes, you are now tied to a tree, don't like it? then I'll just have to get the key won't I? Alright I'm going to get it. *2 minuets later* Here you go! *throws it in the pond.* Oh well guess I'll just have to keep pullin' you chain won't I?) I can, and will tell you "why" I am planing.
I'm actually planing to try and help my friend confess her feelings to this guy. (And it is NOT fun, its unnecessary "teenage drama" I am adding to my life.) But I am ever so tired of hearing her talk about him in the strange, almost bipolar way. Let me give you an example. She says the likes him but she find him really short, ugly( meaning unattractive,), and mean. so my question to her is well you have just ruled out personality and looks, so why do you like him? her answer "I don't know! I just do even thought he is really ugly...". So, I have taken it under my serious thought of how she will tell him , the after affects, and if it will fix her bipolar-ness. (Yes that's right BIPOLAR-NESS!) And one of the factors I must consider is how I can manage to get as far away from my family as possible. Because they are the most nosy, meddling people I have ever met. (And only my grandmother is this way. The rest of them seem relatively oblivious, and uncaring.)
So I have found a way to make my father happy, he can go to his most favorite place in the whole wide world for three hours, Barnes & noble. As for my grandmother she dose not like Asian food, or culture, so I was thinking she may want to go with my dad, or just stay home... I'm not sure.

So now you know. how evil I really am... Now don't go blabbing about it!
From your favorite little blogger,

Friday, September 17, 2010

New phone!

Hello, as promised I have painstakingly made a post just for you, my bloggies. (haha, not really painstakingly...)
But anyway, back to what I was talking about. (what was that?)
Ahh, yes, new phone. If any of you have seen my older post about picking out phone you would have seen my choices. (and two of them where a very bad idea...) so that dwindled it down to just the reality. what are my thoughts on this phone? IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!! (exaggerated much?) Actually no, I really do like this phone. It does so much compared to my old phone. (the sony ericsson walkman.) That it seems to blow my mind away. (not like thats hard...) But I think you get my point.
Any who. sorry this is such a short post (how dare you post such nonsense!) But I have got to be getting up early tomorrow (well early for a weekend.) and its already almost 11pm.
And so just for you I give you two BIG picture of my new phone just to take up sㅔace so this doesn't seem like a short post.

From your favorite blogger,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm eight followers strong!

Yay! In celebration of the awesomeness, I give you my bloggies a new post! (please pardon my lack of proper spelling.)
so your probably like "only eight followers?! what are you so excited about?" But remember this I didn't give you a decimal. so the number is not precise. I could in fact say I have 800. followers, Or 80. followers or even 800,000,000,. followers (yeah I only wish...). Or I could very well have only 8. followers (I don't know your gonna have to go see for youㄱ self. And maybe push that little follow button?)
Another way to look at it is!... (drum roll please.) My cup of bloggies is very well on its way to becoming quite full! (YAY! FOR POSITIVITY!) But in my mind since I have the mind of a child I am very, very, VERY, excited. In fact maybe even so excited I might have to make another post tomorrow! (just to show my appreciation.)
Or I could entertain your eyes with some nice pictures!(Hope you go for the bone.) That I must take full credit for, I took them all by my self! (I feel ever so accomplished!) Oh, how I love my big dog! He has a face fit to be a gentleman.

So my bloggies! I leave you with this! Enjoy it, comment on it, and as usual, decide whether you liked it or not!
From your favorite blogger,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Different minds different ideas, Food for thought

Have you ever once stumbled across the difficult question why do I write the letter "D" that way? Why not write it in all one smooth stroke; instead of one line down and then a rounded line from the top to bottom to make a "D".
Why not write a lower case "d" like you would a music note? Why specifically must I use that technique?
why do we abide by the laws of white lines on the ground? They aren't walls, just lines. I know their is a reason for it; but why does the mainstream society hardly ever think of really, WHY?
They just learn what it's their for, how to abide the laws of it, and then never really question. Just like most people don't averagely look up.

I'll give you an actually scenario (An experiment I was working on a while ago.) about mid April 2010 (the current year; if you happen to read this some time on in the future.)
I was sitting on the the roof right next to my window about 1 story up. Their was a mother walking by across the street with her child. I yell hello to see if she would notice me; She stops looks around (not even once did it hit her to look up.) then once again starts up walking but, this time a little faster (I think out of fear.).
I tried this same test over again on several different people. Non of them looked up. (Not even the cop. which surprised me; I would have thought a cop would have heard where the sound was coming from and looked up, but no. I was kinda glad though 'cause if he had seen me up there, I probably would have gotten in trouble...) So why do we just do? Why don't we question every day things? Why not question specifically why your going in this direction? Why must you follow the G.P.S?(Did you know that G.P.S stand for Global Positioning System?)
Why don't you think of questions? Why do I?
These are things I find, are not questioned enough. I realize the white lines on the floor are to direct the traffic to the proper locations and the keep from total disaster; But why do people obey them, and disobey them? (Not including drunk drivers 'cause they can't even see the lines clearly.)
So why do we just follow orders so willingly?
Why is it that they are rarely truly questioned?

Well, that was my view of this "Topic". Digest it, process it, and finally come to a conclusion about it. Hope you liked my food for thought!
From you favorite little blogger,

Monday, September 13, 2010

The daily talk about; laziness a wide spreading disease?

So, what have you accomplished today?
No, let me rephrase that; What have you accomplished this week? Is that more feasible for all you lazys' who apparently are to lazy to manually poke your own friends?
No? Well then too bad!
I know, I know, It's the 21st century, It's what we do.
But I draw the line at a pillow fighting app I found on facebook just a few moments ago. Yes It may mean I can now virtually hit my friend all the way in Italy, but is it not best to actually go over and hit my friend with a pillow?
It is a good excuse to go see the world, don't you think?
Well, to the point... Why are we so lazy?
Its as if the people of the world just sit down for an hour a day to talk about how we can slow down so maybe we could grow mold. Just like a sloth. Sure they are relatively rare creatures, but it's no wonder why. They are too damn slow to out run anything that tries to eat it! But of course they cant help it.
Their situation is much like this annoying disorder, called laziness.
A disorder that affects millions every time csi:Miami comes on.
So you ask "how do we prevent this disorder you speak of?". Simple. Just suddenly decide to open your curtains and look out side the window before you forget what the sun looks like! (how would you know what the sun looks like? you can't actually look at it?)Okay, fine... Go to your window and look at the trees! quick! before your body is encompassed with this deathly disease! Oh, you don't have any trees to look at?
Well, how about grass? None of that either?
Okay lets try again; Go to your window and look for, for, the sky! yeah that's it, the sky! How could you not see the sky?
What was that? You don't see the sky? WELL, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! A BOX?!
Who doesn't see the sky?!
OH, your blind... Um... Yeah, Im sorry about that... It's just, I didn't know... And I was, was trying to make a point- HEY, wait if your blind how could you read this?!
Ahahaha! You almost fooled me did you!
Nice try... Now seriously, go look at the sky. And I mean don't google, yahoo, ask, bing, or any other search engine it.
actually roll, walk, run, crawl, fly, hover, teleport, or what ever it is you do over to that damn window. And take in all the stuff around you. (don't actually consume anything.) Enjoy the feel of the sun hitting your skin (unless of course your a vampire...) warming it, look up at the sky. Try to find a tree, and some grass if you can. And maybe, just maybe, walk up to your front door and step out side.
Look at the ground and admire what you have been missing out on.
But just remember try not to get killed by a drunk guy, insane person, rabbit dog, or the K.K.K.


From your favorite little blogger,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ever wonder what my dungeon looks like?

By requist I'm showing the whole world what my Dungeon (home) looks like. A inside tour of my living space. (tourist not welcome.)

The entrance seen from the inside.

The room to the right still in the entrance.

The music room. Still in the entrance.

Entering the entrance hall.

The kithcen!

the kitchen.

The breakfast table.

The living room (exiting the breakfast table.)

the down stairs hall

the sewing/ extra bedroom as seen going up the stairs.

going up the stairs.

the extra bedroom/ sewing room.

the hall leading to the three way hall.

The mystery room.

the mystery room. (under construction so to speak.)

The tree way hall connect my bedroom, the library, and the bathroom.

Entering my room. (why what lovely bed you have...)

my room to the right.

My room to the left.

The upstairs library.

The upstairs library.

entering the bathroom.

Exiting the bathroom.

View from the top floor.

From your favorite little blogger
- 나디아


Ahhh, yes Facebook. One of the many wonders of the interwebs.
I place that harbors both idiots and geniuses all under the same domain. A site amongst thousands created for networking, keeping in contact. (one used a lot by a certain someone writing this post...) Also a place full of pedo's and hooker's. (possibly unwise for me to use? nah, no more than the average site.) But on the up side it's also a wonderful domain where you can discuses current events with peers. (Like a science project I should be working on!) And the utmost entertaining place for those who have procrastination on there list of things to do. (Also like a certain someone...) But not for the pedo's and hookers! For the fact that you can find horribly misspelled everything!! (no offense.)
No not that either, something even better!! What is it you ask? Games. Yes games, Facebook has billions of games.
Some atrociously awful. Others amazingly entertaining. Facebook is also home to stalkers.
As facebook allows you to kinda unnaturally watch you friends. (not like pornographic or anything; Gezz you have a dirty mind!) You can see when their birthday is, their favorite music, activities they do, books they have read (some of us facebook users never update our books I've read list so we appear literate thanks to our book list.), favorite movies, how many friends they have in common, and so on.

I like facebook, Because I use it message friends, chat, and just communicate with the people I know. But I have seen the other sides of facebook. And they make me question. Am I being watched?
My answer is yes. My question to you; Who isn't? Every one on facebook, has, is, or will be, watched. (so don't post anything too personal unless you have already accounted for the consequences.) People naturally like to watch. So if the internet gives us a even greater chance to watch why wouldn't we? (Again not referring to anything pornographic.) I'm just talking about observing. every one, every thing, has observed. And will observe. It's a intelligent way to know whats going on around you.

So let me ask you, do you like facebook?

From you favorite little blogger

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fridays fry

Fridays usually dictate staying up late, having fun, enjoying life.
But this Fridays one of a different story.
It seems still, like a storms coming; as if to say beware Saturday brings the unknown.
Well not entirely unknown, it brings my first day of korean school and a kung-fu class.
Does that sound unknown to you? Yes, well then I guess I know about as much as the chair I'm sitting on.
Why is it I have this nervous feeling. A mixture between excitement and fear.
Its like harboring lightning and water in you body; they electrify you but make you wonder...
Wonder what will come, what should I do, what should I feel?

You my bloggies are ever so easy to talk to.
Why? Its probably cause' I know none of you, You're all practically strangers to me. Which makes it easy to say what ever is on my mind. Because even if someone I know where to come along and read this, how would they know it was me?
They wouldn't! Unless, of course they asked me if this was my blog. Then in that case They would know and it would no longer be as easy to say what ever I feel like.
Understand, my bloggies I'm a quiet person, a person of little but a lot of knowledge. I'm cold but warm, loving but hateful.
recently I have had an issue come up and it has made me question. what is love? Do I love? Am I in love?
I would generally say There is no defined answer; because in reality there isn't a defined answer.(Considering love it such an abstract thing.) But, now I want to have my own answer. I want to be able to proudly say that yes, I do what love is!
But every time I am ever asked if I do love I push away from everything.
I say the truth but it's all lies. How can that be?
How can you love something and entirely want to be with it, near it. But mention not even a word about it; not even to the walls.
Then when you mention it to Just one object, you completely make up something to say that every thing I just spent an hour saying was all a joke. I was just practicing for drama class. seeing if I could convince you. I did, I convinced you it was all made up. but I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you. But for me to tell you, you would have to be frozen forever in life never to be able to remember it again.
Why is that?

Instead I come running to blogger so that I can write what ever I feel like; so anyone in the world can read it. and never know who wrote it.
So there can be a question mark over my face.

I leave you my bloggies with this.
Digest it, think what you want of it.
This is my little piece of thought to you.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

tech haul

Yo, here is the update about my new babe!
The seagate goflex external hard drive 500gb. compatible with pc and mac!

So YOU may be wondering why did I get this?
1) because my evil vista computer is freaking out and being evil. so once again I am going to restore it to factory default. But, before that I'm gunna save all my precious crap on my new babe.
2) I hate window vista. (sorry just had to say it; its a piece of crap.)

and also because Since I plan on converting my vista to a windows 7 it'll be the one I'm gunna call.

Heres the pictures of my new tech babe.

I also (If you noticed.) got a case for it.
It's by my favorite case company wenger.
Why do I like wenger cases so much?
1) Because they actually protect the items inside.
2) they aren't that expensive. (most of the time.)

so there you have it my tech haul. so, tell me my bloggies; what do you think of seagates external hard drives?

from your favorite little blogger,