Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Heart (it's complicated) *rant*

 I love that picture!

So whats up with people relating love to hearts? why are hearts so sensitive? (IT'S STUDYING TIME!)
Why is it so easy for people to hit your heart, but it's just not as easy when they get up and leave your heart with a hole in it? My school tells me a heart is the strong muscle which pumps blood throughout your body. It is a hollow muscle, about the size and shape of a fist. It is actually made up of two separate pumps. It is called an involuntary muscle because it works without you ever having to think about it working. But my friends tell me the heart is the focus of feelings and intuitions. So how can it be both? How can my heart keep me alive but also be what makes me love? Don't you think thats a little dangerous? So if you got your heart broken does that mean you would die?! (lets not get carried away now...) But, yeah, when i was younger i alway thought that i could just forget about love, ya' know? Just hide under a rock and never hear anything about love. But now that im older I find that a lot of thing in the world are about love. Music, art, books, blogs, conversations. just a lot of things. I find it harder and harder to just ignore this.
So i decided that i'd take the time to sort it through here on my blog.

So, heres my storie for today. When I was little I experienced two crushes in the whole 12 years I was alive. Not many. I remember hearing my friend talk about crushes' and dating all the time, but I just never payed attention. I always took those types of conversations as a waste of time. I still do to this day. I just look at it differently now. But I almost think I cursed my self now because so far anyone Ive taken interests in don't take an interest in me. It has affected my opinion of my self. It has forced me too look at this love situation. It makes me wonder why. Am I not lovable? Of course I am! for my theory in life is everyone in the world has someone even if just one person that will love them. so then why am I mocked at? why do people make fake love notes tell me about them and make me run for them? Si that in the end I could realize I was willing to go through a lot more just to see the name in the note?  Or just so in the end I could feel pitiful for chasing after that note, like a dog chasing a mirage of water in the desert? Is that why? To make me mad? To beat me down? Why? Why must I be taunted like this? I don't like the love game, I don't like having to ask my friend to ask the guy i like questions for me so he doesn't know it was me. I don't like it. Is that why? My next question is why does it bother me so much? why does it get under my skin so much? why is it becoming my achilles heel? Or is it just cuz of my age, because im a teenager? It could be. Ahh im ranting AGAIN! see? This stuff makes me rant! And you know what? this whole situation is making me pretty ballsy (for those who don't know what that mean look it up.) You know what? i feel left out. I don't want some boyfriend for a week or a month. I want something that will be hard to obtain, something that will be like a flower made from crystal. fragile, beautiful, worth the chase. But how long will I wait? How can I wait? Just with the thought of how it'll be worth it in the end? But what if it isn't? What if it ends up in a dead end? what happens if im just left gasping for air in the end like a fish out of water? Am I willing to take the risk? I am. I want to feel the rush, have the good memories to fill space in my mind. I want to feel the pain if it ever comes. I want to play dodge ball. I want to take risks. I'm tired of being on the side watching how to play the game. I want to be pushed into the game. I want to get hit with a ball. to only try again. I want to feel the love. But in the end I feel silly. for wanting a boyfriend for wanting to hold someone hand. I feel stupid for wanting something so animalistic. But at the same time I feel like I can't judge it until i experienced it just once. I want to be in a lab running tests. but i want to be able to go home and have someone to ask me how my day was. It's a simple want, right? But I don't want some body around just to ask me how my day was I want something different. someone who pays as much attention to me as i do to them some one who will stand up for me respect me but want to walk with me. be with me, tell me that my music election sucks and suggest other artists to me. I want that. I don't know what it is. I think it's what you call love. but I am not sure.

Is it? I don't actually expect you all to understand what im say or even to have read this whole post, i don't even expect you to care. But, I... I... am only questioning all this because of this kid. this kid Yeah call it what you want. but... It's left me speechless, I cant even finish my series of thoughts. but honestly i want more action than I do words. I want silence with so much meaning in it, it couldn't be redone, recorded, or replayed. So i have been wondering if this person has ever read my blog do they read it? have they ever read it? I don't know but if they do i wonder if they know who i am. I bet they don't. ima go back and scratch out their name. or maybe replace it with something else. but in the end im left wondering. i could spent hours just typing what im thinking, writing my thought on to my virtual diary, for all to read with all my bad grammar and run on sentences. but I have to sleep some time (sadly.) so i think i'll just leave it at this. for now...
Hearts, they are confusing.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Socially awkward moment #2

The "high-five".  Is perhaps the most uncomfortable thing to use at times. (especially if you get left hanging... possibly socially awkward moment #3.) And even I used it today ( perhaps the reason I'm writing this post.) I learned my lesson. I SHALL NEVER, EVER, use the "high-five" EVER AGAIN! I have waaaaay to many socially awkward moments as it stands and would like to reduce the number of occurrences. Even though I use them on my blog as humorous things they truly are a sickness. (a mental illness that takes over all people who have been in their house soo much they literally have no sigh of the sun on their skin at all.) Also, if you just happen to be an innocent geek please note you should NEVER compare peoples handwriting to word processing texts. But, that is a story for another socially awkward post. (Not that I have many of these stories to tell...[ Don't listen to her! she has many stories for you.] SHUT UP!) *clears throat* Yes, now, back to the actual discussion.
Here is an example of the "high-five" mistake.

"eating oreo cookies with milk while watchin house, perfect."
about an hour ago ·
  • Johnny Luong likes this.

    • Steph Ngo Share!
      about an hour ago ·

    • Nadia Luis with who? im watchin house on my room.
      but you may have an imaginary oreo! :)
      about an hour ago ·

    • Steph Ngo thnk you :)
      about an hour ago ·

    • Nadia Luis your welcome.
      about an hour ago ·

    • Sarah Lai i never get to eat oreos....
      53 minutes ago ·

    • Viet Ta and u'll never will lol jk sorry i cant keep the evil in me
      47 minutes ago ·
    • Nadia Luis ahahahaha, sarah got burned! :D +high fives viet-
      35 minutes ago ·
    • Viet Ta ‎.... yea high fives
      25 minutes ago ·
    • Nadia Luis ahah, yeah i know it's incredibly hard to process all my stupid comments.
      19 minutes ago · 

Sugarland, exploration via videos

Hello! So after getting out of the doctors office yesterday we went exploring! (By exploring i mean we got hungry and wanted to eat.) And food we certainly found. In fact we went to whole foods market (the nicest looking whole foods market i have ever been to!) Also I've got good and bad new from the doctor. Bad news first, I have to wear a splint for 3 weeks, and i have to have physical therapy for eight weeks. Good news! My wrist is not broken ( like i thought it might have been.) but in face just is having issues with the tendons. apparently due to my flexibility. (physical therapy is to tighten my tendons.) but, yeah, not bad! at least it isn't broken that would have been a pain! (literally.) So, if you're wondering whats up with the videos they are my unedited explorations of sugarland, tx. (you jelly?)
If you're wondering why their are six videos my phone didn't have a memory card so it could only record short videos. I got a memory card so in the future this wont happen again!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mental shocks ( awkward moment #1)

Have you ever been in the same class as someone you think you don't know at all? (Like never seen before.)
And you're in the class for about a a month, then all the sudden you realize you've seen that person before.
You're mentally shocked, wondering if they remember you from then. The worst thing of all is you're not even certain it was who you think it was. Because when you look back on to that memory you cant remember their face.
Frustrating, isn't it?
Well, now think you asked the person if they remember the advent, if they were there. and they say "no" you feel relieved. Until of course they ask "why?", then your answer "no reason" seemed stupid. (everyone knows their was a reason.) And you're left to making your little origami boxes. ( that was awkward moment numbero uno.)
It's terrible, right??
Or am I the only one who has moment like that? (awkward moment #2)
Don't understand my memebase references? NOT TO WORRY! GO HERE.

On a lighter topic... yeah ain't got one right now.
Talky to you all later. BAI!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Languages... They're everywhere! In Houston in just one day you run into at least three Spanish speaking people, one Korean speaking person, two Vietnamese speaking people, and many English speaking people. This is a minimal count. I'm sure the excact number is much higher! So this raises the question "should I learn a second language?"  Then once you have answered that, the question arises "which language?"  People almost always reach for french. And french isn't a bad language... It's just that it is a very common language to learn. why not learn Japanese? It too is an international language! And their are many Japanese speaking people in the world! So why not?

That my friend is what I told my self four weeks ago. When I decided to learn Japanese along with my Korean. (Not to mention that I still have to master my Portuguese.) Do I regret learning all these languages? NO! I use them frequently (not the Japanese; yet!) even though I am not always the best at Korean I am still able to use it to communicate with Korean speaking people. I have only two more languages I want to learn before I am to be basically satisfied; Vietnamese, and Hindi. ( You must be thinking i live on a bonk roll, huh?) Actually, even though it still costs money to learn all the languages. I don't spend more than $500 every 3-4 months. (still kind of expensive...)
Do you remember that saying from childhood " don't judge a book by its cover."? Well same applies to schools. the schools I go to don't have big class rooms, some of them don't even have real walls, (they use curtains to divide the rooms.) they are small rooms with small classes. But like that saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover. I learn the language I want, I make friends, I am supplied with good learning material, and most importantly, the teachers are nice. (they act like you're their family.) So, let me ask you; have you maybe reconsidered learning a language? I hope so!

So yeah, I lectured you all to death.!)
But! LAST QUESTION! What is your favorite language?
In and out- ¿나디아?