Ahhh, yes Facebook. One of the many wonders of the interwebs.
I place that harbors both idiots and geniuses all under the same domain. A site amongst thousands created for networking, keeping in contact. (one used a lot by a certain someone writing this post...) Also a place full of pedo's and hooker's. (possibly unwise for me to use? nah, no more than the average site.) But on the up side it's also a wonderful domain where you can discuses current events with peers. (Like a science project I should be working on!) And the utmost entertaining place for those who have procrastination on there list of things to do. (Also like a certain someone...) But not for the pedo's and hookers! For the fact that you can find horribly misspelled everything!! (no offense.)
No not that either, something even better!! What is it you ask? Games. Yes games, Facebook has billions of games.
Some atrociously awful. Others amazingly entertaining. Facebook is also home to stalkers.
As facebook allows you to kinda unnaturally watch you friends. (not like pornographic or anything; Gezz you have a dirty mind!) You can see when their birthday is, their favorite music, activities they do, books they have read (some of us facebook users never update our books I've read list so we appear literate thanks to our book list.), favorite movies, how many friends they have in common, and so on.
I like facebook, Because I use it message friends, chat, and just communicate with the people I know. But I have seen the other sides of facebook. And they make me question. Am I being watched?
My answer is yes. My question to you; Who isn't? Every one on facebook, has, is, or will be, watched. (so don't post anything too personal unless you have already accounted for the consequences.) People naturally like to watch. So if the internet gives us a even greater chance to watch why wouldn't we? (Again not referring to anything pornographic.) I'm just talking about observing. every one, every thing, has observed. And will observe. It's a intelligent way to know whats going on around you.
So let me ask you, do you like facebook?
From you favorite little blogger

2 Twas the number of comments:
I admit it. I'm a facebook stalker...Well I used to be until my dad kicked me off. I only stalked people that are mean to me. :) Then I made fun of their facebook posts! :D
Hahaha, facebook stalker alert!! :o
Nah, Im just kidding. ;)
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