Thursday, September 10, 2009

Assassin ca- wait assassin bread?!

I woke up this morning to find some thing lurking on my night stand, It was... assassin bread!
yes, bread I know what your thinking but; I'm pretty sure if you woke up to find bread holding a knife in its mouth staring at you with eyes wide and a crooked smile, I think you would think the same thing. Plus I doubt it wanted to ask if I would like to be its friend. although it is if your plan to surve food in a bread blow with a carved face on October 18th!
which I am thinking about.
But have not attempted yet, so I am not the one who carve this bread. I think it was one of assassin cat's temporarily hired assassins since shes now living at my sisters house.
I guess she figured she wouldn't be able to get the "job" done till probably about December,
that it would be better if she just hired assassin bread to do the "job".
but think again!
assassin bread was soon later on eaten by my grandmother who used the exact same knife assasin bread was holding to slice him, she tosted his slices at put som butter on it and enjoyed her brekfest with out a word from me.

So assassin cat you might not be so lucky when you arrive her in december as you are due for a bath! Muhahahaha!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

new saying of the week

I am contnuing the saying of the week thing the rules are, who ever find the true meaning of the saying of the week gets a cool blog badge that I will hand make. so you can proudly display it on you blog!

The saying of the week is......
"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end." - Ursula K. Le Guin

You can also find the saying of the week at to very top of my blog in the box that has a picture of some green cubs.

Good luck!