Tuesday, April 22, 2008

the sims

i was playing the sims yesterday and my sim was pregnant and it wed hunger and sleepy at the same time so i let here do her own thing so..........the died and......... her husband was frozen in the snow i mean it he was blue and frozen. and the there was no one around to pull the blow dryer.so i dleated the game and started a new one.that one is doing well.

10 Twas the number of comments:

Lauren said...

Oh! That's horrid. That poor pregnant video game character! You killed her.

¿나디아? said...

i did not i just left her alll alon.

¿나디아? said...

well maybe if you think about it.........

¿나디아? said...

ohhh yay what time do u want to go swimming tomorrow?

Lauren said...

Sorry. My mom forgot to tell us that she had made a previous engagement that will take most of the day. Can we do it next Friday?

¿나디아? said...

hummmm...weelll i geuusss i did kill here but i did not like here in any way jk*just jokeing*

Lauren said...

I may not talk in the acronym language but I know what jk means! :)

¿나디아? said...

k i all ways do that.its a habit.

¿나디아? said...


Lauren said...

Man that was so embarrassing on Thursday! I knew I had the wrong number but my mom insisted. :( It was funny though.