Sunday, October 26, 2008

spore report

Okay, so i have successfully completed all the levels in spore and i did it in 4 days. (I'm mot counting Saturday. because i didn't play spore that day.) So, anyway okay level one or the cell stage was my favorite in the game along with the next stage, the creature stage. And the next stage the tribe stage wasn't my favorite but it was pretty cool. The civilization stage was hard i mean like it toke me 9 time before i got over that stage, and the space stage was okay i personally did not like it its fun to drive the space ship, but it was a little boring because you have to do like jobs for your king.

but man i tell you that's defiantly going to be a game to play on a slow weekend.
so for me the only stages i like where the cell stage and the creature stage. the tribe stage was okay better that the other two stages.......
i have to say for a pretty expensive game *52.92* it wasn't as good as i thought i would be.
but i payed 61.10 because my stupid computer, wouldn't read the game CD.

so out of a total of 10 i would give it a 6 but manly for the game graphics* they where good i have to admit that.* and how cool it was to feel like god to my kera creatures. and how cute the cells could be. and how utterly awesome it was to be a single creature, and like make it jump and thing's like that. and how funny some of the scens where and the danceing to impress other creatures was just a huge lol for me anyway.......

So thats all i have to say about thespore game the rest made me bourd in the game
( the civalizasion stage, and the space age stage.) so i really would rather not take about that part of the game so thank for reading and i strongly recamend that you read the revews about the spore full game before you spend 52.92 and a game you may not like, not like i did not like it.

***so spred the word to save some one money!****

4 Twas the number of comments:

Lauren said...


¿나디아? said...


Lauren said...

Well, I don't really play video games. I like them and all but I like the computer better.....So that's "what". But that game sounds pretty fun.

¿나디아? said...

it is
hey what are you doing on Halloween?