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7 years ago
34 Twas the number of comments:
The second one wouldn't load!!!! Stinkin' video!! I liked the first one though......It was very....uh.....interesting......
Where were you yesteday?!! Why didn't you come on Monday either?!!! I missed you!
Sorry for noit commenting in a while as you could tell from my lack of posting I'm still need to do better on my homework.....:( I'll get over here as much as possible though!!! :P
Isn't that little face so cute?
sorry about not being at kung fu my dad left to day and yesterday i just could not make it and monday my mom did not have any money to pay master jason. so... that pretty much says it all. Friday??????????!!!!!!
no my mom is sick :(
Awwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway I hope she gets better really soon.....How about Monday?
maybe.....i will see and by the way the eclipse book is waaaayyyy better than new moon.
hey did you ever get to see video 2 of the month?.....
and if you did than tell me if you liked it if you like the song i can give u the name and you can add it to your play list.
It was okay to watch I have my new favorite song of the month already so that's okay. And it's Pork and Beans by Weezer right? Pluse no! I didn't get to see the second video......I'm so sad..... :( Actually I'm quite happy at the moment......Anyway see Monday I guess!
ohh well click on the vid but dont click on the play button and then it will take you to the direct link.
hey what are you and your family doing towmarrow or sunday?
If your not doing any thing do you think you could come and see a movie with me and my mom? or go some where?
and i can give you your book back.
tellz me if youz can! :p
or we can go to the mall.
Uh.....Whoope......It's a little late for that now.........Sorry, I haven't been on for a couple days. (Which feels like months for me!!!)
how come?
Oh, weel you see you asked this weekend and it's over Hey are you coming to Kung-Fu tonight?!!!!!!!! Please, please tell me you are!!!! Please!
no... sorry i came this morning and i know that i was asking because you said"..Sorry, I haven't been on for a couple days."
why is all i want to know and good news i got a ipod touch my ipod disaperd and my mom thinks some one stole it. for the reson is it was not in the house or cars(for two my moms and my sisters)
or any where!! but any way its good news!
Hye, that's cool!!!! I really missed you yesterday! Man-Crych taught us stick form, because Kevin was practicing for competion....
Hye = hye..... Sorry I'm a in the head right now!
thats ok
did you learn how to do a cart wheel with your stick?
No. I can't even do a regular cart-wheel well, let alone with a stick!!!!! I might poke myself, and die.......
What the.....? I speeled it wrong while trying to correct myself?? Wow! That sucks!
speeled = spelled. Duh.....
I haven't had much practice in my typing lately and now everything I write here is wrong!!!! Argh!!!!!!!!! It's so frusterating!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate feeling like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(That I can't do anything right!!!)
you can just focus:)
did you like my Edward where are you picture? and the new song i put up do you like it?
The picture won't load sadly......
I still love Cable Car!!! It's a really good song!
LOL random much.?!
ps sent from my ipod
Hey, that isn't random!!!!! I just happened to see it on your playlist!!!!!! Gosh!
Sent from my computer.
ohhhh its on!!!
Sent from my computer
sorry i have not been on in a while i have been busy.
sent from my ipod
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