Thursday, November 13, 2008

videos of the month

tell me if you like it.

4 Twas the number of comments:

Lauren said...

Cute videos!!!

¿나디아? said...

why thanks you which one is your fave mine is the first one

Lauren said...

Mine is totally the second. Have you heard of "Just Dance"- Lady Gaga? It's a great song, and I love it.....for the moment.....

¿나디아? said...

no I haven't I'll look it up ohh and sorry I was not Abel to cam and practis Kung-fu with you guys today. :( but you know u guys can come and practis your stik form on Monday morning at 10:30am I'm going to be there. So if you guys want u can go! I can teach u the rest of the stik form if u want!..... Ohh ps I asked master j all ready about it on wensday.