Thursday, December 17, 2009

Do you think I'm Emo?

I have been called emo a couple of times during my life time but, lately I have been called emo a lot.
To be quite clear yes. I probably do act a little emo some time, but all the time; I just don't see it...
I have been called emo for writing a poem, for liking the song moonlight sonata by Beethoven(which is my numero uno song on my play list.), wearing a black jacket with a hood, for not smiling, and some people even say I just look emo all the time.
Is it really possible that people of the twenty-first century really don't know the meaning of EMO?
Well, just in case I have arranged a definition of the word emo.


"Emo" is not short for "Emotional." "Emo" does not mean Taking Back Sunday and Dashboard Confessional, despite what MTV has lead you to believe in the last few years. "Emo" is not side-bangs, tight pants, and male vocalists who sing like little girls about their failed relationships. "Emo" is not the use of diluted, meaningless metaphors and similes such as "My arms are like pine cones," and most definitely is not the rampant use of words such as "autumn," "heart," "knife," "bleeding," "leaves," and "razor blade."

I just thought I'd clear that up after all of these "definitions" in which I have encountered an unbelievable amount of people who try to pass off their blatantly false pretenses as fact, and are slowly infecting others with their high-horse, holier-than-thou bull. Because honestly, with your ridiculous definitions, Beethoven, and George Gershwin are/was "emo bands."- urban dictionary

that ought to clear things up!
so subum I'm sorry, but you, like me are not an emo and are just a intelligent teen *cough* who happens to be a person and does get sad some time { just like every one else}.
SO YAY!!!!! I'M NOT EMO!!!!!!!! (Is that proof enough?)
smile face time!!! :D :P :) :)) :O :D
(My happy smiley faces most likely will ward off all emos!! L.O.L! { including sunbum ;) }

By the way no offense emo people.....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

awesome music video!

check out this awesome music video; and see if you like it.

Hope you guys liked this outrageously short post!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Assassin ca- wait assassin bread?!

I woke up this morning to find some thing lurking on my night stand, It was... assassin bread!
yes, bread I know what your thinking but; I'm pretty sure if you woke up to find bread holding a knife in its mouth staring at you with eyes wide and a crooked smile, I think you would think the same thing. Plus I doubt it wanted to ask if I would like to be its friend. although it is if your plan to surve food in a bread blow with a carved face on October 18th!
which I am thinking about.
But have not attempted yet, so I am not the one who carve this bread. I think it was one of assassin cat's temporarily hired assassins since shes now living at my sisters house.
I guess she figured she wouldn't be able to get the "job" done till probably about December,
that it would be better if she just hired assassin bread to do the "job".
but think again!
assassin bread was soon later on eaten by my grandmother who used the exact same knife assasin bread was holding to slice him, she tosted his slices at put som butter on it and enjoyed her brekfest with out a word from me.

So assassin cat you might not be so lucky when you arrive her in december as you are due for a bath! Muhahahaha!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

new saying of the week

I am contnuing the saying of the week thing the rules are, who ever find the true meaning of the saying of the week gets a cool blog badge that I will hand make. so you can proudly display it on you blog!

The saying of the week is......
"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end." - Ursula K. Le Guin

You can also find the saying of the week at to very top of my blog in the box that has a picture of some green cubs.

Good luck!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

tongue twisters

Yes, my friend that's right these are only the toughest tongue twisters ever told. Why they'd have your tongue in a knot if told to fast, you might have to spend weeks not being able to say any thing right. Are you brave enough to take them?

here are some of the tongue tie-in champions,

A tree toad loved a she-toad
Who lived up in a tree.
He was a two-toed tree toad
But a three-toed toad was she.
The two-toed tree toad tried to win
The three-toed she-toad's heart,
For the two-toed tree toad loved the ground
That the three-toed tree toad trod.
But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain.
He couldn't please her whim.
From her tree toad bower
With her three-toed power
The she-toad vetoed him.

Yup, why this beauty tied three peoples tongues in just five minuets. The poor fools they left just repeating themselves trying to say "the three-toed toads", over and over again.
Well moving on to our next champ.

She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

I had a hard time saying that three times fast, around the second time I was saying it, all i could hear was "sshe shells seashell by the sheashore." I kept adding "H" to every thing.

and here are some more tongue twister champs.

This one below it my favorite one i can say it four time fast! how many time can you?

Betty Botter had some butter,
"But," she said, "this butter's bitter.
If I bake this bitter butter,
it would make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter--
that would make my batter better."

So she bought a bit of butter,
better than her bitter butter,
and she baked it in her batter,
and the batter was not bitter.
So 'twas better Betty Botter
bought a bit of better butter.

So many "b's" my head alomst hurts.


A big black bug bit a big black bear,
made the big black bear bleed blood.

well there one more, its one of my favorites too! Give it a whirl its not such a bad one it really quite easy.

You've no need to light a night-light
On a light night like tonight,
For a night-light's light's a slight light,
And tonight's a night that's light.
When a night's light, like tonight's light,
It is really not quite right
To light night-lights with their slight lights
On a light night like tonight.

well if you have a hunger for more of these tongue twisters than go here for some more.

hoped you all enjoyed this silly post.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I saw Morgan Freeman at Fiesta

You know I just never thought I would see Morgan Freeman in a Fiesta. But then again I am not completely sure it was him. You know you just never think that there would be another man out there in Houston that looked exactly like him...

After walking in to Fiesta with my grandma, she immediately said " Go and get me a buggy."
*buggy for use means shopping cart.*
So as she walked towards the left to cash her retirement check; I on the other hand when for the right where this tall black man in a Grey suit was walking to put his cart away and pull his grocery out.
I in shock to see Morgan Freeman at a Fiesta just stared.
As he walked close to the exit where I was standing he made this face, a face like my father all ways makes when I first see him stepping out of the car in which he came from the airport; It's a face of surprise, joy and observance all in one kind of face.
After he made that face he just laughed and smiled as if he thought it was funny I realized he was Morgan Freeman and no ever came to ask him any thing, not even stare and that I was the only person how stared.
Which is part of the reason I felt like I was being rude.
I just walked to get a buggy fast and looking up at him as if he where a giant. he just handed me his buggy as as he saw that I was struggling to pull the others apart and walked away merrily out the door.
I looked down thought every thing that just happened over again just to make sure I hadn't been day dreaming and nope I was out a luck it was all real; after that I felt kind of shocked for meeting who I strongly believe was Morgan Freeman at a Fiesta.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm back to blogger!

Yes, that's right I'm back! for good now. I know Its been a long time, a hard journey for me. I have been searching high and low for my writers bock assassin. For long i have searched the tallest mountains and the darkest caves for it, and finally i have found it! And as far as my writers block goes..
well lets just say its been taken care of...
yes tied to a chair left watching American history for 72 hours, yes i know the cruelest treatment you could ever have. I wouldn't wish it upon even my worst enemy... But then again writers block it my nemesis.

So now that I'm back I would like to inform you all of what goes in the kingdom of chaos!

lately i have been very found of the cartoon avatar the last airbender. Aang reminds me of chris from kung-fu! :)
and I'll just keep my opinion about who i think the characters remind me of know...
Anyway I love the show series now. I hoping to get the whole series for my birfday!

And the Britannica ENCYCLOPEDIA is my new best friend!
I have used it so much over the summer I practically have had a search over lode!
oh and youtube has recently become one of my favorite places to search for songs that have to do with nouns, verbs, pronouns, and ect.

here are some of the silly songs that turned out to be quite helpful for my grammar test.

doesn't the second video sound like just a so fantastic camping trip! l.o.l

The video below is my favorite.

And that's all for now I'll keep you all posted.

*Peace out!*
oh yeah i almost forgot here is my favorite episode of avatar!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

journey to the bottom of our freezer.

It was a muggy warm night when i girl decided she was going on a journey to the bottom of our freezer. Little did she know it was a hard, long and a frost bite filled journey, That took strength, determination, and a butter knife.
It all started with a simple jester to put the meats away so your dad wouldn't realize that we had stalked up on meats for the rest of the month. It happened in the kitchen it was could and dark. the a/c was on 77 and it was 76 in the house. the lights in the living room flickering the wind was making that whistling nose by the back yard door. and there was no one downstairs. the dog in the back was barking and when the oven beeped she had remembered... it was time to put the meats away. as she opened the pantry and pulled out the plastic bags to put the meat in she heard a sound, it was the sound of the back yard gate lock being messed with she paused for a minute. she almost froze with fear as to what was coming her way for the fact that her mother was not home and her grandmother was upstairs. she wondered who or what could be messing with it. she closed the pantry door and walked rather speedy to where the meats are and she placed the plastic zip lock bags on the counter next to the meat and once again she heard the lock being messed with this time she quickly went to the back door and looked out the window and all she could see was lion her dog running back and forth in the yard barking. but not a bark of joy but a bark of seriousness as if he means business. and then the sound stop ed, she just stood there looking out the door's window for some thing... but then the clock strikes 9 o'clock and she just went back to the kitchen when she had finished putting the meats in bags and this is when she Began her journey to the freezer as she walked with at least 10 pounds of meat. she went trough the living room then to the hall where the lights flickered, on and off as she walked. strange noises as if some thing was fallowing her began to be noticeable and then in panic she Begin to walk faster then another nose, and she walked faster and then the clock strikes and she started to run faster,and faster until..

she fell without realizing it she had fallen out of the hall and in to the room where the freezer lied just standing there she stop ed with fear, she was listening for any sounds but all she could here was the sound of here breathing, it was so fast is almost sounded like hyperventilation. as she looked around the room she could hardly see any thing for the lights where off. and she was thinking about where the light switches are. she placed the meats in the floor and got up to look for the light switch she walked with her arms out trying to feel her way to the lights until she bumped in to something it was plush and cold, as soon as she touched it she sighed in fear but to only find her self walking backwards and hitting the wall right next to the where the light switch was. she turned her head and saw it. and quickly turned on the lights, then out of curiosity she when back to that thing she had bumped in to. but, only find it was just a jacket. And that she had let her paranoia take over for a brief moment.but all was better when she remembered that she was in the same room as the freezer and that her journey was almost over.. or at least she thought was almost over.

and as she walked back to the meats she had put on the floor she hear the dog bark again and then this time she hear glasses being mover as if some one was in the house. she thought to her self; no it cant be it must not be so, for grandma is upstairs and I am in here.
Then she just picked up the meats and took them to the freezer. as she opened the freezer her eyes beheld!...


It was the Freezer!

it was a horrid sight! so she took it upon her self to find the bottom of the freezer.
thus the true adventure begins.

she put the meats down next to the freezer and started to move all the food to one side of the freezer and while she was doing that she found a butter knife.

an the she was able to break of all the built up ice in the freezer and she went to through the layers of the ice like lightning and soon enough she reaches the bottom of the freezer which has never before been seen by human eyes in decades!
i was.. old yes the freezer looked old because it was old and then every thing was restored back to new and the freezer looks like a freezer again!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

spandex guy!!! D:

Okay, as some of you may know there have been mysterious blobs of food on our sealing. And I believe some of then are stressed in doused, believe it or not! yeah so i think is happens when where cookin' and where having a conversation with some one in our familia and then of course we always ands up splatting some thing or throwing, dropping, and or just slamming it in to the counter because where Portuguese! but anyway i think it ands up that all the food that was on the object happens to fly off in to the unknown... oohhh spooky!
But wait theres more!...
after another morning of waking up to something horrifying, my mother said "hey, what are thoughts dot the the sealing?" me "...." mom "is it poo!?!" me "no!... at least i don't think face looked perplexed. my mom "go get my glasses!" anyway after about a half of an hour later she reached the conclusion it was dried food. we kept saying we where going to clean that but then we thought is just like a pea sized drop.and that no one wold notice. we had to go to the pet store my favorite store to go to...... petsmart!! yah wohoo!! petsmart!
and on our way we saw a guy riding his bike and as our car got closer to the guy he turned out he was an old man but the weird thing it that he was in spandex pants!! horrifying i know but the grosses thing of all was his spandex pants where really old so they where worn down on the butt so you could see his butt as if he wasn't even wherein pants! i know, i know as if it wasn't bad enough his pants had to be see through... but the good was that we passed him so we didn't have to see old butt! yay no more butt! so this is a warning to all how where spandex!....... never where it!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


okay, i would like to inform you all that the so called "saying of the week."
is a mind candy contest, and the prize will be a badge that will be a picture of the saying you have mastered and some thing else that will make it look cool. each prize given out will be different and or custom for every person ,before every one starts guessing i suggest that you read carefully and that you take you time there is no hurry, you have one week to answer this{ as a wise man once said "Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy."
- Kahlil Gibran.

okay they will be posted on where the picture of the cubes happens to be and will be different every week.
its at the very top of the blog.
where it say international morse code chart. yah thats where it is okay? good. good luck to every one. and remeber its only the first person to get it right wins!

and p.s dont ask why i started this i just felt like it okay?!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

R.I.P Missy

today my dig Missy died at 12:14pm.
she is a lab/chow mix this is what she looked like the picture above and below.

she was extremely sweet dog, she was the one how though lion out yellow lab how to be a good dog. sadly the only reason i am really sad about her death is because she died of heart worms we didn't have enough money to treat her. because other whys she had a happy life and a good life to. she was all ways happy.and in honer of her i would like to dedicate this song and video to her.
go here to see it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

new blog people!!

okay i have renewed my bunny smarts people this are everybody's options to choose from
pick wich one u like to be your self on my cartoon. and tell me if you like my new cartoon?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

assassin cat strikes

on this episode of assassin cat we discover that a once normal cat is now......

it all started on a beautiful day in a Houston,
it the 6 of the first month and there is not a cloud in the sky.....

we, meaning me,mom,dad, and sister are all going to go look and home's or condominiums or any other live space ect.

so we spent a very long time out. for the reasons stated above....
and when we got home no more then 30minuets have pasted and *BOOM*

And then my mom "nadia!!!!"

me " what...."

mother "come down here now!"

i was rather upset to be disturbed for my nerd room where the hear of me lies....
on the computer!
*what did you think i was going to say?!

honestly you people act as if you don't know me..... any way when i came down stares i hear screaming and yelling.....

in my head i was really thinking [must get back to mother-board. Location bedroom to the left second story.]

when i saw a little bit of the evidence it was horrifying........It was the really big toy the cat had pushed down the second story balcony and it fell...... about three inches from my mother as she stood their with a horrified face....... she yelled and told me to never leave my toys on the balcony again..... but she told me one thing before she yelled and it was...............

and that's the day that a once Innocent cat became ASSASSIN CAT.

The End

We Will Meet Again!