Wednesday, March 25, 2009

R.I.P Missy

today my dig Missy died at 12:14pm.
she is a lab/chow mix this is what she looked like the picture above and below.

she was extremely sweet dog, she was the one how though lion out yellow lab how to be a good dog. sadly the only reason i am really sad about her death is because she died of heart worms we didn't have enough money to treat her. because other whys she had a happy life and a good life to. she was all ways happy.and in honer of her i would like to dedicate this song and video to her.
go here to see it.

4 Twas the number of comments:

Burrito Boy said...

Oh well That is sad R.I.P Missy

¿나디아? said...

yah. like my new blog layout?

Burrito Boy said...

Yah I sure do

Monkey Bread Maker said...

Sorry about your dog......
I do like your blog layout, if you go to there are a lot more blog layouts!!!