Happy 4th to every one!
I hope it's a good day to ya'll! ;)
In celebration I have decided to put up a recipe I always use.
It's called curry rice!!
*This recipe it not entirely mine I have take recipe idea from other people and meshed them together with my own to make this.*
First you'll need some steamed rice! any kind of rice will do even though I always prefer a sweet rice with pear barley with semi brown rice. You can use what ever kind of rice you want!
To start off your going to need two kinds of curry powder one is Korean and one Japanese. s&b oriental curry powder is Japanese, and has a great taste! So, I use that one!
For the Korean curry powder I use Ottogi (오뚜기) curry powder, medium since the Japanese curry is rather spicy. I often prefer to not make my food "burn your tongue off" hot.
Now you will need:
1/2 or 1 cup of chicken breast, thigh, or some brisket meet. ( I normally use brisket.) {For vegetarians you can use some fried firm tofu!}
3 Tbsp of peas frozen, fresh, don't matter!
1 Idaho potato
1 white or yellow onion.
1/2 a cup of carrot.
1/3 of a zucchini; gotta love your zucchini! :D
And 2 cups of water.
Cut your potato, onion, carrot, and zucchini into small cubes.
Fry them all together with about 4-5 pinches of salt and pepper.
Cook until the vegetables are about a quarter of the way cooked.
Now cut your chose of meats, or for vegetarian firm tofu into 1/2 inch cubes.
Cook until it is all the way cooked. [don't forget to add some pepper and salt!]
Now in a large pan add potato, carrot, onion, zucchini, meet, or tofu. Along with two cups water.
Boil the water and then add your peas!
Now, for the sauce! {the best part!!}
In a bowl add 5 to 6 Tbsp of curry powder. ( you can do two spoons of Japanese and three Korean, of four Korean and 1 Japanese; It is your choice.)
And water until it is at a pancake mix consistency.
Then add the curry into your big sauce pan and cook for 5 min with constant stirring on medium heat.
After let sit for another five min and then serve. It should feed about four or five people.
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