Cause' i could really use your help. I'm looking for a new phone on a new network. verison. got any suggestions? I'm a pretty heavy texter, and I don't have time to constantly keep charging my phone.
And as a girl I would want a pretty compact phone that can take a beating. (not like i'm hard my electronics, but, it's just precautionary measures... (; )
So, here are some of the picture of the phones that I have taken an interest in!

My 6 followers I call upon you to help me! so, HELP ME!
Are you up for the challenge?
5 Twas the number of comments:
Have you seen the phones that have a full keyboard when you turn it to the side? I'm not sure what it's called but it's amazing. I borrowed my friends phone to text with it and it was perfection. Oh and the first one you listed is pretty good.
Yeah, I liked the first, but I thought the other two were really interesting. But there are mixed reviews on the little phones. :(
oh, yes, and all of the phones I listed have a full keyboard it slides! :D
So I like the 1st one as long as you like touch screen. But then again I heard the 3rd ones cool but sometimes the small phones have small buttons. So I'm pretty much as stuck as you. Fair warning...even though the ENV3 isn't on your list it's like Verizon's suckiest phone. i swear. UGH. lol.
I was looking at the ENV3 but it has awful ratings. so that one was crossed of my list.
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