So, Yes I'm proud to say it! I'm a cereal killer!
Hahah, get it?
No, well sucks for you doesn't it?
Anyway, So since this weekend (And yea I am painfully aware that its Monday.) is sparring weekend at my temple! {YAY!} Those pink gloves you saw yeah, those are mine. And yes, they do say cereal killer on them.
(For those of you who still don't understand why or how I am a cereal killer let me say that I eat cereal almost every mornin' so I think I have a right to say I am a cereal killer.)
I have the jaws of death for those poor unsuspecting cheerios.
They just swim around having fun till they hear the jaws theme song startin' then *crunch* spoon full, by spoon full, Crushed to death by my molars.
Why what a painful way to die... I would almost feel bad for what I do; If they weren't so darn tasty!
So! One a less morbid note; I need a emblem for my cereal kill name. Got any ideas?
If so, please either 1) email me the picture. or 2) post and or comment!
(For the info my emails on my profile.)
I was thinking a cross bones but with a bow in the middle, but I'm open to new ideas!
1 Twas the number of comments:
I love the gloves! :D
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