Thursday, August 19, 2010

orange chap-stick

B&C laboratories presents mikan chan lip cream.
Its a Japanese lip cream it said, but its really a chap-stick. Just with a different name.(you know every one has a different way of saying chap-stick.)
It's amazingly cute on the outside! :D
And moisturizes amazingly well. (YAY!) Which I have to admit is hard to find in a lot of chap-sticks. Also, It was not expensive! (you should know me better then that; I would never pay and arm and a leg for anything! (; ) It was priced at about USD 9.99.

here's a list of what I liked about it, and what I didn't. ( you know since I can be a little long winded sometimes...)
What I liked about it:
1. it has a cute shell!
2. it actually moisturizes my lips; I don't have to put it on every hour.
3. smells and tastes like orange!! (Ilove oranges, so I really liked this!) [ It also comes in apple flavor, but I don't know if it's as good as orange.]
4. is a affordable price.
5.It looks a lot like a real mini orange! ( it fools everyone when I first pull it out of my purse.)
5. did I mention it was cute?

what I didn't like about it? 1. NOTHING! (yay!)

Hope everyone liked my informative post
- 나디아

2 Twas the number of comments:

Ahleessa said...

It's such a cute container! I wouldn't mind trying this in the future... hehe~

Btw, I added you as a friend on PoupeeGirl. ;)

¿나디아? said...

yeah, I know!!
and thanks!