Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Different minds different ideas, Food for thought

Have you ever once stumbled across the difficult question why do I write the letter "D" that way? Why not write it in all one smooth stroke; instead of one line down and then a rounded line from the top to bottom to make a "D".
Why not write a lower case "d" like you would a music note? Why specifically must I use that technique?
why do we abide by the laws of white lines on the ground? They aren't walls, just lines. I know their is a reason for it; but why does the mainstream society hardly ever think of really, WHY?
They just learn what it's their for, how to abide the laws of it, and then never really question. Just like most people don't averagely look up.

I'll give you an actually scenario (An experiment I was working on a while ago.) about mid April 2010 (the current year; if you happen to read this some time on in the future.)
I was sitting on the the roof right next to my window about 1 story up. Their was a mother walking by across the street with her child. I yell hello to see if she would notice me; She stops looks around (not even once did it hit her to look up.) then once again starts up walking but, this time a little faster (I think out of fear.).
I tried this same test over again on several different people. Non of them looked up. (Not even the cop. which surprised me; I would have thought a cop would have heard where the sound was coming from and looked up, but no. I was kinda glad though 'cause if he had seen me up there, I probably would have gotten in trouble...) So why do we just do? Why don't we question every day things? Why not question specifically why your going in this direction? Why must you follow the G.P.S?(Did you know that G.P.S stand for Global Positioning System?)
Why don't you think of questions? Why do I?
These are things I find, are not questioned enough. I realize the white lines on the floor are to direct the traffic to the proper locations and the keep from total disaster; But why do people obey them, and disobey them? (Not including drunk drivers 'cause they can't even see the lines clearly.)
So why do we just follow orders so willingly?
Why is it that they are rarely truly questioned?

Well, that was my view of this "Topic". Digest it, process it, and finally come to a conclusion about it. Hope you liked my food for thought!
From you favorite little blogger,

1 Twas the number of comments:

Lauren said...

Whenever I hera somebody say hi I instantly say hi right back, even if they weren't talking to me! Hm......Maybe I'm just differnet from um....like everybody! :D

I'm totally serious get weird looks all the time! Maybe I was saying hi to the people in trees!!! Or maybe the trees say hi to me! Yay! :)