Yes! It's October 31st! Yes it's 33 minuets late! How? Because it's 12:33am! And know what? I am just about ready to go trick or treating!!! In fact soo happy I can't sleep. I can't find the lack of energy I need to want to sleep. (It could also be that nap I took earlier...)
But that besides the point, I am PUMPED! So,so, very ready to rock out to music while walking with a radio with some friends. Sounds fun, is fun, and to add to the fun-ness (Hahaha, "Fun-ness"...) I get to spar today! (YAY!! {x}a billion) I get to Fight! Yes, I know it sound wrong, and mean, and just plain wrong to be so excited to fight... But I can't help it, it's just so much fun! I get to attack people without hurting them! How awesome is that?! (If you answered "Not fun at all." then I guess i'm just mean...) By the way bloggies, I am female; just so you know.
And now please enjoy this short intermission brought to you by google.
Oh, thought I was joking? Surprised? Yes? Well me too! I found this large novelty, monday.
And was extremely excited to eat it!
No surprise, 'cause everything is bigger in Texas, right?
WRONG! These babies came from Japan!
Ahh, Japan land where everything is bigger, right?
Ahh, Japan we love you for bringing these Deliciously large cream covered sticks to the world! (Especially Texas...)
Also Japan we love you because you made your box easier to read. - With love, the old people.
But best thing of all, They are just in time for Halloween!!
Yes, You heard me right. HALLOWEEN! But unfortunately for the kids I wont be passing these out. They're to delicious to give away! ;)
But as a added surprise to me giant pocky has only 60 cals per giant stick.
Not to bad, really. I was expecting more like 120, or so. So yes, my dears! spread the pocky giants and give someone a little, big, treat!
(An feel totally guilt free 'cause they have only 60 cals!) See? I'm not promoting diabetes!
From your favorite little big blogger,
Today would be the day I do my first ever real violin preformance. I have practiced and now it due day. I'm curently in the hotel we're having the fundraiser at. There are a lot of people! But I haven't yet seen anyone yet with an insturment. Am I the only musician here? I'm lucky the hotel has Internet (wifi) or else I would be pretty bored right now. (so,pardon any typos in writing this ony iPod.) yeah. And little Korean lids run around and past me playing with balloons, some just rehearsing, other just playing. It's kinds loud, I'm Lima nervous... Wish me luck? I would like some! Well any way thatnks for reading!
From your favorite blogger,
Yay! so turns out they do have a Korean festival in Houston! (Yay x1,000)
But sadly I passed up this opportunity to go with my cousins. And instead am going (or did go.) to kung-fu.
And I find it better that I missed it 'cause I'm waiting till they get Wonder girls or Miss A over here!
But if you did go did you like it? (keep in mind that it is only there secound year hosting the korean festival in Houston.)
Anyway, I'm out of words and instead bring you yet again music videos!
A chronic mental state in which one wants to chew through a wall. It affects millions, every day.
Does it affect you? I know it affects me. Especially when my friend keep squeezing me for answers to questions.
What kinds of "questions"? Questions I find uncomfortable to answer, such as "Who do you like?" "I think this guy likes you!". I find them uncomfortable to answer why? Because I don't like to talk about those things, I don't like to think of romance. I don't like the thought of boyfriends, why? Because I like to think it's best to spend my school days enjoying the simple life. No drama, no complications. Just friends, fun, school. Simple, right?
Wrong! Apparently I am going against every bone in my body. I am going against every law for people my age.
So I am being squeezed, like a little hugs a teddy bear. How is that? Because every corner I turn I see romance People in relationships, it is incredibly hard to forget something when you see it quite often. Let not forget that that takes up a large portion of the conversations my female friends have. (Maybe that's why I have more guy friends then girl...) Now don't think I'm being a small fry and whining over nothing. For you see, I do like someone. And it is quite difficult to not cave in to your whims. And to control your emotions. (It is also quite hard to fight back the urge to blush.) Or to stop your heart from racing. So, yes, I seems the usual teenage drama situation. But in this story the girls resisting relationship, resisting her bones.
Why do I say "Bones? Because every time I find my self looking at this person without realizing where my eyes take me. I walk towards this person, without knowing where i'm going.
And because every time I look at this person I'm happy. Yeah, I know putting this out on the internet attracts attention. But I just want a place to write.
So, from your favorite blogger.
What do you think, should Wednesday be banished? Or forever stay? I say Stay! The week already at times feels to short. I don't think it needs to feel even shorter. But since it is an open discussion, what do you think?
[Please take note that I think the calendar is on against having Wednesday. Considering it says "W.T.F" because of Wednesday. ]
On a completely unrelated topic! Do you draw? Do you like to draw as a hobby or as your profession?
Because recently my want to draw has grown. It seems to have in fact grown so large I spend almost all my free time drawing. What might I draw? Absolutely anything that pops in my mind. So my sketch book looks pretty random.
On another topic related to art. I wanted to make a animation short. But the only problem is I don't know how.
I know, I know, I should just google it. And I will. But when I do get around to making the short you shall watch it, right?
Yes. Well jolly good!
(Yeah I'm secretly British like that.)
If you have ever made any animation shorts please do post them! [Another note: I will have another Video post soon.]
from your favorite blogger,
Have you ever tried to find the solution for a problem that seems impossible? Has it ever put you in a position that you just don't know what to do anymore? Or have you ever just thought that you should just let things rip, let them roll. Untouched by human hands.
I find it's those times that I am willing to play the part as to sit back and watch. Even if I don't want to; it's like watching a bad TV show. You don't wanna watch it, but you wanna know whats happening. It's also those times that are the hardest. And I like that. I like having to figure out a solution; Weighing out the options... Until there is just one left. It gives me something to think about. (But, I does pull me away from school a little.) I like that feeling of going insane because I just don't know what to do. Why? Because it then gives me the chance to do everything. It gives me the chance to do everything I can think of. How? Because the only logical thing to do when you can't find an answer to a problem is to go on continuing your search. Now, I don't go running around doing stupid thing (at least I try not to...) I like to weigh out my options until I am left with the thing I will try. Really? NO!
Actually I have taken in this atitude that just make life so full of life. (Are you catching my drift?[ If there even is a drift.] )
I have suddenly stopped weighing out my problems and just done what I would never do before. I have decided to let thing roll; untouched by my hands I just sit back and watch which way it's going. I just have decided that lifes no fun if I'm to busy trying to control everything. So instead I have lived! And you know what?
I think it's the best decision I have ever made. Why? Because I have never been so alive! I have never lived with such openness to others. I have never wanted to be around others, I have never let other people truly in. (Yes, you my bloggers get the special seat. You get to read all my thoughts.)
So, I guess you could say I have finally warmed up.
My lifes dodge ball; I have always been on the outskirts just never being in any danger, never risking getting hit by a ball. Never being with the other people. I was onced told to stop being a sissy and get in the center of the square. And I finally did. I'm now with all the other people dodging the balls, having fun, joking around, just doing what I always observed others doing. I am now not only insane to my self, but I have suddenly decided to come out of my cave (CAVE?! Yes, cave I used to be like a hermit.) and spread some of my insanity with the world! So, hope your okay with someone who walks the world upside down!
From you favorite blogger,
Don't you remember growing up as a child and your mother always dragging you to stores to shop for clothes?
And as being a child you would hide in the clothes racks, corners, under the shopping cart, or just sit around doing nothing. Remeber that?
Well, I do considering my mother never shops in just a half an hour. Nope, it has always got to be hours on end.
And by the time shes done shes so incredibly grumpy/angry , just over all pissed, that she seems to be irrational.
So, you ask what brings all this up all of a sudden?
Answer: The fact that today I went in to my childhood hell today.
Question: And what would that be?
Answer: Berligton coat factory. Growing up as a child I used to be in that damn store for almost 4 hours. 4 hours of utter hell.
It was; how should I put it? Umm... Here, torment, like death, hell, incredibly boring, smelled of moss, looked like a mental hospital, Lets just sum it up as THE CLIMAX OF DEATH BY BOREDOM.
Are those word strong enough for you? Do the even begin to describe how I feel about shopping?
Well for now yes, I suppose they do.
Now It is time to ask you how you feel about shopping, Friend or foe?
Have you ever had a profound love for music? If you answered yes, then you too share my love. If you answered no, then I am going to have to ask you to please explain why you don't.
Now before we continue you may find some information helpful to understand my complex series of webs (Almost mores code) thoughts that run through my brain. (Yes, I may possibly have thoughts that even mind readers couldn't understand.) First off when I say I love music it is because I literally spend between 7-2 hours of my life listening to music every day. You may be wondering how this is possible; well thanks to the 21st century we now have ipods! And I now spend a lot of time listening to music. (Yay! music!) And secondly, uhmm... Uhh...Well... Errr...Oh well! I can't think of a second thing! (Sometimes even I don't understand my own thoughts.) So, I guess there isn't one!
Now let us continue. (What was I going to say?) Yes! music... Errr... Uhmmm... uhhh... (Oh no! The zombies noises are kicking in!) I guess the post is over!
From your favorite blogger,
OH! I'm still here?
Yes, the post hasn't ended yet! I was just fooling around. (Don't they say only fools fool around?) The post still continues! (Yay?!)
I have been either really in love with music or obsessed with it. (Yeah I can't tell the difference, creepy, huh?)
Either way I have been listening to music almost every chance I get.
So do you know what that means?! I have music videos for you!! (thank god{If there even is a god [OMG did I just have three thoughts in one?!]. } their is youtube.)
Anyway, here they are! The music I have most recently found. (Side note; some of this music contains cursing, so be careful.)
Every one from the 80's remembers this song don't they? (supersonic - J.J.Fad.)
Never heard this song? No wonder it a kinda new artist. (ultrasound - Johnny Massacre)
Yes, I love any song even if it's not in English. (Cherish - Ai Otsuka)
I'm sure everyone's heard this song at least once. And who didn't love it? (You always make me smile- Kyle Andrews)
A aspiring artist still in the first stages. But I do Like this song! (Come on come on! - Morgan Laurence)
SO, I have plenty more music videos. But for now I think this is enough.
From your favorite blogger, (And this time its really ending, I promise.)
Welcome to my blog! don't be startled by the strange appearance. just scroll down on this little informative notepad, and you'll see numerous things. Such as music (Sorry if you don't like my music!!). My followers, a search bar for every thing on my blog, (amazing, right?) and a list of the blogs I enjoy reading! Thanks for stoppin' by! 감사합니다!! obrigada!! ありがとう!! - ¿나디아?
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