Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday to be banished or forever preserved in the calendar?

What do you think, should Wednesday be banished? Or forever stay? I say Stay! The week already at times feels to short. I don't think it needs to feel even shorter. But since it is an open discussion, what do you think?
[Please take note that I think the calendar is on against having Wednesday. Considering it says "W.T.F" because of Wednesday. ]

On a completely unrelated topic! Do you draw? Do you like to draw as a hobby or as your profession?
Because recently my want to draw has grown. It seems to have in fact grown so large I spend almost all my free time drawing. What might I draw? Absolutely anything that pops in my mind. So my sketch book looks pretty random.
On another topic related to art. I wanted to make a animation short. But the only problem is I don't know how.
I know, I know, I should just google it. And I will. But when I do get around to making the short you shall watch it, right?
Yes. Well jolly good!
(Yeah I'm secretly British like that.)
If you have ever made any animation shorts please do post them! [Another note: I will have another Video post soon.]
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