Don't you remember growing up as a child and your mother always dragging you to stores to shop for clothes?
And as being a child you would hide in the clothes racks, corners, under the shopping cart, or just sit around doing nothing. Remeber that?
Well, I do considering my mother never shops in just a half an hour. Nope, it has always got to be hours on end.
And by the time shes done shes so incredibly grumpy/angry , just over all pissed, that she seems to be irrational.
So, you ask what brings all this up all of a sudden?
Answer: The fact that today I went in to my childhood hell today.
Question: And what would that be?
Answer: Berligton coat factory. Growing up as a child I used to be in that damn store for almost 4 hours. 4 hours of utter hell.
It was; how should I put it? Umm... Here, torment, like death, hell, incredibly boring, smelled of moss, looked like a mental hospital, Lets just sum it up as THE CLIMAX OF DEATH BY BOREDOM.
Are those word strong enough for you? Do the even begin to describe how I feel about shopping?
Well for now yes, I suppose they do.
Now It is time to ask you how you feel about shopping, Friend or foe?
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7 years ago
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Ewwwww! Whenever I go to boring stores like that I like make silly faces at little kids to amuse myself. Oh! And I sing and randomly dance! It's like awesome and stuff!
(P.S. Do you remeber Josiah from Kung Fu? He works at my school. So yeah.)
Yeah, really?! Cool, tell him I said hi one of these days!
Oh I never talk to him! :) Mostly because there is NO WAY that he even remembers me!
Oh my gosh! My mom walk up to him and started talking to him last Friday!!!! It was horrifing! I think I died or something. I had to pee and she forced me to stand there and talk with them. *sigh* I'm a dork! :)
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