Wednesday, October 6, 2010

shopping, to kill or be killed?

Don't you remember growing up as a child and your mother always dragging you to stores to shop for clothes?
And as being a child you would hide in the clothes racks, corners, under the shopping cart, or just sit around doing nothing. Remeber that?

Well, I do considering my  mother never shops in just a half an hour. Nope, it has always got to be hours on end.
And by the time shes done shes so incredibly grumpy/angry , just over all pissed, that she seems to be irrational.

So, you ask what brings all this up all of a sudden?
Answer: The fact that today I went in to my childhood hell today.
Question: And what would that be?
Answer: Berligton coat factory. Growing up as a child I used to be in that damn store for almost 4 hours. 4 hours of utter hell.
It was; how should I put it? Umm... Here, torment, like death, hell, incredibly boring, smelled of moss, looked like a mental  hospital, Lets just sum it up as THE CLIMAX OF DEATH BY BOREDOM.
Are those word strong enough for you? Do the even begin to describe how I feel about shopping?
Well for now yes, I suppose they do.
Now It is time to ask you how you feel about shopping, Friend or foe?

From your favorite blogger,

4 Twas the number of comments:

Lauren said...

Ewwwww! Whenever I go to boring stores like that I like make silly faces at little kids to amuse myself. Oh! And I sing and randomly dance! It's like awesome and stuff!

(P.S. Do you remeber Josiah from Kung Fu? He works at my school. So yeah.)

¿나디아? said...

Yeah, really?! Cool, tell him I said hi one of these days!

Lauren said...

Oh I never talk to him! :) Mostly because there is NO WAY that he even remembers me!

Lauren said...

Oh my gosh! My mom walk up to him and started talking to him last Friday!!!! It was horrifing! I think I died or something. I had to pee and she forced me to stand there and talk with them. *sigh* I'm a dork! :)